

It's easter. A time of the year that everybody loves. Chocolate, hot cross buns, extra long weekends, family and more chocolate. Probably A LOT more. I just ate easter egg #32.

Days off used to be for partying and sleeping in or maybe a movie or two. These days it's for family. The more time I get to spend with my family the happier I am.

After eating ourselves to the point where we had seen enough chocolate, for at least a few hours, we followed the crowds down to the haven. There was a snap of cold in the air as it started to rain. A friendly reminder that summer's on a holiday of it's own and autumn has graced us with it's greener greens and ocean blues.


It's been a while since I've woken up early and headed down to the beach, I've taken a break from watching the sunrise over the sea each morning to focus more on photographing the people around me. And I won't lie, I don't mind the sleep in either.

But I have been missing it. A lot.

Eb and I took Roark down to North Avoca this morning to catch the first light and check out what the swell situation was. Despite the snap of cold and the bright light, Roark was, as always, more than happy to be in front of the camera and just go with the flow.


The past couple of weeks have been busy... but good busy. Leksi stayed with us for two weeks, the busiest seven year old I swear I've ever met and that made me feel old, quickly!

She's so good with Roark it's unbelievable, it's like they're like best friends. I guess it must be a kid thing and they just get each other. 

This is how it went...